Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gale Anne Hurd Interview

Latino Review got to sit down with producer Gale Ann Hurd ("Terminator," "The Incredible Hulk" and "Punisher: War Zone") to talk about some of her current projects.

Here are some cool clips from the interview.

In regard to the previous two 'Punishers', what do you think this film does right that the others didn't do?

Hurd: There are a few things. The first is that the film is set in New York City with a great nemesis. Regardless of whether you thought he was over the top a little he was taken directly from the comic book and the film is populated with characters from the comic books and the look of the comic book is there with Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle. He honestly looks like he came out of a Tim Bradstreet cover.

Tim Blake Nelson talked about wanting to play The Leader in 'The Hulk'. Have there been sequel talks?

Hurd: Just 'Avengers'. But yes, the more that the online community says, 'We want to see a sequel –' the more likely it is that it'll happen.

So it'd be Hulk as a part of The Avengers? Will Hulk be the villain, or part of the team then become a villain?

Hurd: I don't know and if I did I couldn't tell you.

But as far as a sequel for 'The Hulk' would you like to see the same cast?

Hurd: I'd love to.

'Gearhead' was just announced.

Hurd: Yes. It is very cool.

What's it about basically?

Hurd: It's a lawless America sometime in a future, an alternate America in which the outcasts are living outside of society and regular society is run by some pretty villainous superheroes. Once again I love the idea of the outcast.

It's a female lead too, right?

Hurd: It is a female. Yes, she is.

What about 'Magdalena'?

Hurd: That's the Top Cow comic 'Magdalena'. We have a writer onboard.

Is it a Biblical story?

Hurd: No. I mean, it's inspired by the Lion of the Magdalena. She is a descendant. Her weapon is the spirit destiny. It's kind of cool. Imagine 'Da Vinci Code' meets 'Wanted'.

All very interesting. Go to Latino Review to read the rest of the interview!
More news to come! catch ya' later!

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