Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Even Stan Lee Is Happy About Disney Buying Marvel

The ramifications of Walt Disney Company acquiring Marvel Entertainment have yet to be fully grasped but that hasn't stopped the comic book community from speaking out regarding the announcement.

Now, legendary Marvel creator Stan Lee is adding his voice to the Disney-Marvel conversation. Considering how close Lee came to buying Marvel a decade ago, it's not terribly surprising to learn that not only is he in favor of Disney's acquisition, he's actually thrilled by it.

"I couldn't be happier with this agreement," Lee said in a statement. "It's [a] great move for Disney, for Marvel and for my company Pow! Entertainment since Pow! has a first-look deal with Disney. From every point of view, the merger of Disney and Marvel is a match made in heaven."

While the prospects of ludicrous Marvel-Disney mash-ups have worried some in the fan community, Lee sees nothing in the new partnership except progress.

"Just imagine," he said, "with this deal Marvel gives Disney a library of literally hundreds of unique and colorful characters that have the potential to make great, high-concept movies and long-lasting franchises—and nobody knows how to play in that ball park better than Disney.

"This is a great day for the two companies and for the entertainment community as a whole," he continued. "To sum it up as simply as possible, when you combine the best with the best, everyone wins!"

Do you agree with Lee's assessment of the Disney-Marvel merger or are you still nervous about the situation?

I feel like the man hustles a lot and is going to try and get something out of this new relationship for himself. Maybe a "Stan 'The Man' Lee" movie?

Nuff' said.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Source: MTV News

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