Monday, August 31, 2009

'Halloween 3-D' Will Hit Next Summer

Ben Fritz at The Los Angeles Times reports this morning that while Rob Zombie's "Halloween II" fell $9 million short of the previous installment and came in third to "The Final Destination" (which is in 3-D) and Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" in its holdover weekend, that doesn't mean Dimension is done with the franchise.

2009 is the year to push 3-D cinema on the mainstream audiences, owing much of its inital push to "Avatar" buzz. Even if that wasn't enough, "Monsters & Aliens" this year came with a big push to install more 3-D theaters in the US while "Up" and "Coraline" proved that the format can be used subtly in a dramatic way.

January's "My Bloody Valentine," also a 3-D horror feature, did slightly better in cinemas with a 3-D screen, making 6.4 times more money than 2-D only venues. The message seems clear to Bob Weinstien, co-Chairman of The Weinstien Company: horror fans will come out for 3-D showings opening weekend.

With that data behind him, Weinstien has announced that "Halloween 3-D" is in development for a summer 2010 release.

Wasn't "Halloween 2" the 'conclusion' of Rob Zombie's vision of Michael Meyers?

There is a new director developing "H3-D." All Weinstien would say was that it was a director with horror experience and said helmer will have a "different take" on the franchise.

Hopefully that doesn't mean another reboot.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources: Rope of Silicon, Latino Review

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