Tuesday, June 2, 2009

UPDATED: Awesome New Film Posters

The Licensing International Expo is currently underway in Las Vegas this week and that means we've go some new logos to check out courtesy of Ain't It Cool News. Marvel has a booth at the convention and is showing off their logos for their four upcoming movies: "Iron Man 2," "Thor," "Captain America," and "The Avengers." And Universal is showing off a giant 20-foot tall poster for their "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" movie that's in production right now. If you're a fan of any of the comics mentioned, then these logos should be pretty awesome to see anyway.

I think the "Scott Pilgrim" poster would have been a lot cooler if it was the real actors instead of drawings, but this probably only a promotional poster and won't be around for very long (same goes for the Marvel posters until they get every one cast and get good pics of them).

UPDATE: More posters!

More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Source: First Showing

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