Thursday, October 2, 2008

Max Payne Goes from R to PG-13

In one of my earlier posts I explained how the director of the upcoming film Max Payne was upset because the MPAA gave it a R rating.
Moore believed the film would have to be altered completely in certain scenes to get the PG-13 rating. After the rating change though, Moore decided it was easier than he expected.

"…I didn’t have to change much. We trimmed some frames more for the sake of trimming frames than anything, but we got the rating without any major changes at all. I’m a little surprised that we changed their minds, effectively, but I’m happy about it. It proves that if you stick to your guns and you have the creative, and dare I say moral sense, that you’re in the right, that you can get the right thing done."So this will be another PG-13 film that borders on the R rating. I wonder if when the DVD comes out it will end up being 'Special Edition Unrated.'
The movie comes out the Friday after next with the much anticipated Dragon Ball trailer before it.

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