Some quick facts about the upcoming movie.
The current length of the film is 2 hours and 43 minutes, so if that sticks, it looks like we’ll be getting a cut closer to what Zack Snyder needed to tell the story.
They are working on a version of the film that includes the ‘Tales of the Black Freighter’ segments (a story within the story of Watchmen)and those will be animated. These will be included in the DVD versions of the film, not the theatrical release.
Dr. Manhattan’s blue private parts will be shown in the film. This is the way it is meant to be since the character loses his humanity and stops wearing clothes in the comics.
No doubt this film will be rated R, but no doubt it will do very well either. Watchmen will hit theaters every
More to come! Catch ya' later!
I've heard more and more news about the concrete release dates and final prep on this movie. Does that mean this monkey is off our back?
As far as I know the lawsuits and litigation continues and Fox is still trying to ban the film from ever being released. I will try to find more news, but no, that monkey is still there. Maybe with the increase in positive reviews the fans can help Watchmen see the light of day (or darkness of a movie theater).
Either way, I want to see this movie. Badly.
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