Sunday, October 12, 2008

Justice League tie-in with Dark Knight

The Geek Files spoke with Megan Gale, Australian actress and supermodel who is cast as Wonder Woman in the Justice League Mortal movie, and spoke about the Justice League movie.

"Gale, 33, who's of British and Polynesian descent, was cast as Wonder Woman in the Justice League Mortal film project to have been directed by Happy Feet helmer George Miller.

Also cast in the movie were Armie Hammer as Batman, D.J. Cotrona as Superman, rapper Common as Green Lantern, Adam Brody as The Flash, Santiago Cabrera as Aquaman and Hugh Keays-Byrne as Martian Manhunter.

The film, penned by American husband and wife team Kieran and Michele Mulroney, was put on hold after a string of production problems including the refusal of vital tax concessions by the Australian government.

Gale said, 'We didn't get permission to shoot (in Australia) so they've been going back to the drawing board and changing the script a little bit to reflect what's happened in Batman.'"

So how will the storyline of the Dark Knight affect the plot of Justice League? Will it be a deep impact or a one-line reference to something that happened in Dark Knight?

Justice League Mortal is rumored to be out by 2011.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!

Megan Gale, the next Wonder Woman?

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