AICN had the chance to speak with director Robert Rodriguez about what his intentions are on his idea of the film "Predators."
"Way back before I did 'Desperado,' I had taken a writing assignment for a sequel to 'Predator.'
With a nod toward Cameron's 'Aliens' I decided to call it 'Predators.' I set it on a jungle-like Predator planet. It was just a writing assignment, so I didn't have to worry about budget constraints or how the movie would actually get made with the technology that existed back then, so I just wrote any cool thing I could come up with.
Fast forward 15 years to when I got a call from Alex Young over at Fox, who had been digging around and found my original treatment. He was eager to get it made and re-invent the Predator franchise using the treatment as a guide. So he contacted me to see if I'd be interested in being involved, and it seemed like the perfect project for us over at Troublemaker Studios.
'Predator' is a masterpiece of the action/science fiction genre. Its been borrowed from so much in other movies and even video games (that will now probably be turned into movies themselves) that I liked the idea that we could have Predators made relatively quickly. What I'd like to do with it is expand on ideas I dreamt up back in the original treatment, that had really expanded on the universe both the Predators and other species live in. We'd create new otherworldly characters while not taking away from the draw our main Predator has. I think another reason I called it Predators was to mark it as a project that should be taken seriously by a filmmaker to make a worthy follow up to a classic, much in the way Cameron made 'Aliens' a compelling work on its own, following Ridley Scott's 'Alien.'"
Rodriguez is also on the lookout for writers and a director for this film (which would leave Rodriguez in a producing position).
And this does not make the movie a "Predator" reboot or remake. This was clearly what I was getting at in my previous post on this movie (that it sounded like a sequel akin to Cameron's "Aliens).
So this is something new and original. We may finally learn more about the home world of the Predators and more about what kind of species they are. I wonder if we will ever learn more about the Alien creature...
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Why did you label your previous post "Predator Reboot..." if you clearly were saying it wasn't a reboot? You are a strange man Josh...
Because it was said to be a Predator reboot and in my last post I was questioning how it was a reboot and it turns out it is a reboot but not a remake.
Something like that...
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