Josh Schwartz ("Gossip Girl," "Chuck") was working on the script for "First Class" since last November but the studio has discarded that draft for a new one.
Jamie Moss ("Street Kings," "Ghost in the Shell") has been signed on to the project to pen the new screenplay and Fox is reportedly moving “aggressively” with its development.
The Hollywood Reporter points out that they’re “going back to the drawing board” for the movie, explaining the signing of the new writer to work with Singer.
"This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where their relationship took a wrong turn," Singer told Variety. "There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from 'X-Men' will figure into the plot, though I don't want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain."
"Whether it's 'Batman,' 'Lord of the Rings' or 'Star Trek,' if the characters are good, you want to see them on their journey even if you know their destiny," Singer said. "I put myself in the fan's position, and I think this story is something I would want to see, and so will they."
The article also indicated that Xavier and Magneto would be “20-something” during the film and compared it to J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek.”
However,if Xavier and Magneto are depicted in their twenties throughout “X-men: First Class”, it will not correspond with previous scenes in “X-Men: The Last Stand” which featured Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen as younger men during their attempt to recruit Jean Grey or Stewart’s cameo in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” where Xavier rescues Cyclops and a number of other young mutants.
And there's still no word on what mutants will be in the film or whether "X-Men: First Class" will fit in as a prequel to the current "X-Men" movies (or kick-off a whole new "X-Men" movie universe).
While the original "X-Men" team in the comics had Iceman and Angel fighting alongside Cyclops, Beast, and Jean Grey as their contemporaries, the movies turned Iceman into a classmate of Rogue's and Angel into a relatively minor character with little-to-no screentime.
What do you think of Singer having a new screenwriter for "X-Men: First Class"?
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources: MTV News, Screen Rant, Latino Review
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