Peter and Bobby Farrelly, of "There's Something About Mary," will be writing and directing a film based on the wild antics of "The Three Stooges" for MGM.
The Farrelly brothers have landed Sean Penn (Larry), Jim Carrey (Curly) and Benicio Del Toro (Moe) as the leads in their film.
According to Variety, "The film is not a biopic, but rather a comedy built around the antics of the three characters that Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Howard played in the Columbia Pictures shorts."
These are not really final cast roles as they are still in negotiations, but if Variety printed it out then the negotiations must be going pretty well. I hear a lot of flak out there against this film where people say making this movie is a travesty and these are the wrong actors to play the roles.
I have no say in Hollywood and I can't control whether this film gets made or not. But right now they are looking to start filming at the end of this year for a 2010 release.
Will have to find out more news on this film to make a decent final decision on this matter.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
this is probably the weirdest casting ever. Jim Carrey I get, but Penn and Del Toro? hmmm.
The Farrelly Brothers know their comedy, so we'll just have to trust 'em, I guess.
I have liked a lot of their movies, and Carrey is an obvious choice.
The main flak I have been reading about is are Peen and Del Toro right for this kind of comedy?
Both have been in comedy films before, but those were many years ago.
Are these the best actors for this kind of film? I leave that answer up to the readers as I wait to learn more on this matter. It still is only negotiations right now...
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