Dan Lin ("Terminator Salvation," "The Departed") is producing this project for the studio, along with Roy Lee through Vertigo.
This announcement comes after the success of "Transformers 2" and "G.I. Joe." The number of other toy movies in the works is just staggering, from "Candyland" to "Stretch Armstrong" to "Battleship" to "Hot Wheels" to "He-Man." A Lego movie was inevitable!
Apparently, various different directors and producers have been trying to get a LEGO movie made for a few years now. But it’s not until now it’s gone ahead because the Danish company is so protective of the brand (the only movies have been straight-to-DVD animated movies based on its Bionic line). So what made the company cave in? Well, apparently they trust Lin and the Hageman brothers to embrace the, “fun factor, creativity and that imagination that has no boundaries.” For the past year the writers have been making several trips to Denmark to work with LEGO execs about the movie concept.
Not only does LEGO have the worldwide built-in recognition that the studio can play off with marketing and such, but it also has the success of the franchise based toy lines and video games such as "Star Wars," "Indiana Jones" and "Batman." I’m betting you’ll even see a new LEGO toy line based off of the LEGO movie when it comes out.
However, putting the business aspect to one side and looking at it from a moviegoer point of view, this is just the same as almost every other one of these toy and board game-based movies. They’re going to have to come up with a doozy of a plot for it to work well and not just come off as cheesy. They say it’s going to be some sort of family comedy that mixes live-action and animation, which ALREADY sounds silly to me.
If it were treated like the LEGO games have been, it could be potentially hilarious and cute. I just hope it isn't something lame, like there being two worlds, a regular and a LEGO one, and someone from our reality gets sucked into the LEGO world and blah blah blah... you get the idea.
Seriously though, what the heck could a Lego movie even be about? Any ideas?
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources: Screen Rant, First Showing, Variety, UGO Movie Blog
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