Emmerich is the filmmaker behind the death and destruction brought to us in "Independence Day," "Godzilla" and "The Day After Tomorrow."
In "2012" - based on interpretations of the Mayan calendar that claim the world will end that year - humanity clings on for survival as the earth's crust collapses and leads to gigantic tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
The 53-year-old German director recently told USA Today: "This is the biggest movie I've done so far. I said to myself that I'll do one more disaster movie, but it has to end all disaster movies. So I packed everything in.
"After 'The Day After Tomorrow,' I said, 'I will never do a disaster movie again,' But honest to God, I was fighting [screenwriter] Harald [Kloser]. 'You have to do this!' he said. And then I said, 'OK, let's do it, but let's do it right this time.'"
Emmerich claims his previous epics were restrained by costs, and with "2012's" $200m budget he was able to fully achieve his vision on screen: "Usually I have a scissor in my hand, which says, 'We cannot do this, and we cannot do that ...' This time, I said, 'No scissors'", he said.
Let's face it, there isn't much left to achieve once you have destroyed the earth, unless you take things to a cosmic scale. And Emmerich will be doing that with his proposed trilogy of films based on Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" series.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Source: The Geek Files
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