Variety also reports that if the deal does go ahead, Whedon will rewrite the script by screenwriter Zak Penn (who has worked on other Marvel projects including "X2," "X-Men 3: The Last Stand" and "The Incredible Hulk").
"The Avengers" will bring together a large group of the Marvel comics properties that have already been made into films or will be made into films over the coming years, including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and potentially The Incredible Hulk (Ed Norton).
Whedon has a long association with Marvel, stemming from his four-year run with artist John Cassaday on "Astonishing X-Men" and a six-issue stint on "Runaways" with Michael Ryan. Whedon is also well known for his many genre TV series, including "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel," "Firefly" and "Dollhouse," along with the internet sensation, "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog."
Whedon's previous directorial credits include a recent episode of "Glee," as well as episodes of "The Office," "Buffy," "Angel" and "Firefly." Whedon made his feature film directorial debut in 2005 with "Serenity," a sci-fi western that continued the storyline from the "Firefly" TV series.
Whedon has also been previously attached to write and direct a "Wonder Woman" movie before departing the project in 2007 over creative differences.
This is a fanboys dream come true. While I cannot call myself a Whedon fanboy (I rarely watch television and that is Whedon's main medium), I did enjoy "Doctor Horrible" and I'm sure if I jumped on the "Buffy" and Firefly" bandwagons I would love those shows as well. There's just too many movies for me to watch and no free time to sit and watch entire television shows (sorry to all who worship under Whdeonism).
What do you think, is Joss up for the task of uniting the Marvel universe? Or are "The Avengers" destined to implode? Who would have been a better pick?
"The Avengers" will be assembled in theaters on May 4, 2012.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources: MTV News, Rope of Silicon, The Geek Files, Live for Films, UGO Movie Blog, First Showing
Yes, I'm a Whedonite. I know.
I always envisioned him for a Fantastic Four movie, but Avengers--I'll definitely take it. His Astonishing X-Men run was pretty brilliant and as far as his TV shows are concerned..on Buffy, Angel, and Firefly he was able to balance and guide pretty large ensemble casts and each character seemed to still have their own arc and a fair amount of screen time (with a few exceptions). So, methinks he might make a good choice.
I'll admit it. I can't really be super-objective when it comes to Whedon, though.
And neither can one when I have seen little of his work besides "Dr.Horrible" and "Serentiy" (didn't even know what "Firefly" was when I watched that movie).
Here's to hoping good things come out of this epic film and that Whedon has the skills to handle it.
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