Leterrier had hoped to make a trilogy following the story of Perseus by introducing other gods, characters and monsters. Leterrier will stay on as an executive producer. Insiders have insisted his exit from the director's chair was "harmonious" and that he "wasn't of a mind to rush into another installment."
According to Deadline, studio bosses are moving ahead with the sequel and hope to release it with a new director by Spring of 2010.
Sam Worthington will be back, along with most of the other actors whose characters survived the events of the first film.
"Green Lantern" co-writer Greg Berlanti is working out the storyline and the studio is already looking for a new writer and director so it can get moving before Worthington starts filming the "Avatar" sequel.
One advantage to a sequel is the possibility of the studios actually filming it in 3D, instead of rushing the post-production conversion. The film was an action epic with some massive sequences, but the 3D conversion has garnered the film terrible word of mouth.
I don't know where the film will go or what will happen, but I can only hope it is better than the first. I saw it in 2D (thankfully) and did not enjoy it. It kind of felt like a major letdown on action (I was also trying to look for some plot and character development too - though I probably shouldn't have expected it from a film like this).
Does the prospect of "Clash of the Titans 2" give you hope for the franchise or do you think Sam Worthington should just move on to other films?
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources:Screen Rant, The Geek Files
Oh no. The prospect of this simply frightens me.
Unless of course they base it on the "Wrath of the Titans" comic from a while back. Then it might be kinda good.
And I think if there is a sequel, they need to spend more time on it. More time for the script and more time so the CGI's not so damn awful.
That and more time on making the film actually have some good action.
I've been trying to think back to some decent action in the flick and can't think of anything that lasted more than 30 seconds. Okay - maybe the scorpion fight, but that was kind of boring.
We'll have to wait and see who they get as a new director to be able to determine where this sequel might go.
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