Green Lantern is another DC comic slated to hit the big screen in the next two to three years and some plot points of the script has been released.
Latino Review got the scoop!
"There is some very excellent craft in THE GREEN LANTERN. The 3 writers clearly have writing chops, which is expected from writers who work under tight deadlines in television. The structure adheres closely to what I call – the “superhero origin movie paradigm.” Our hero, in this case Hal Jordan has a fear, limitation, block, or wound at the beginning of the story which he has to overcome (his character arc) or have some control by the midpoint of the script which is usually the time he becomes the superhero for the first time ie: BATMAN BEGINS. In GREEN LANTERN’s case, Hal Jordan has to overcome his selfishness and self pity over the death of his father Martin Jordan which takes place early in the script. Hal Jordan for the first 20 pages or so is a prick. The story follows the GREEN LANTERN origin closely and cinematically speaking – IT WORKS.
In a nutshell, ABIN SUR’s ship crash lands in the desert on Gaia aka Earth after his fight with LEGION in space. LEGION got a serious beef with the Green Lantern Corps and hunts them. Abin incurs some injuries with Legion which prove to be fatal. Legion is the biggest menace to the Green Lantern Corps and has already killed three of them. With his dying breath, Abin asks the ring to pick someone honest, someone brave. The ring passes Clark Kent and Guy Gardner and selects Hal Jordan."
Will GL be a hit? Sounds good so far, but we will have to wait another year for more information.
Catch ya' later!
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