The film is starring Ryan Reynolds as the title character, and with no solid news on other big-league DC characters like Superman and Batman, it's up to the Lantern to shine on the screen.
Director Martin Campbell, who previously helmed "Casino Royale," spoke to Empire magazine about what's in store for his new movie.
He admits it will be a big challenge in bringing to life a hero trained on another world to wield a ring of great power and join an intergalactic police corps.
Campbell said: "It's daunting. Just the process, something like 1,300 visual effects shots, it's mind-blowing, quite honestly."
Campbell explained that the amount of FX work was due to the Green Lantern's powers generated through his mystical ring.
"It's energized by a battery on the planet of Oa, which taps into the willpower of everyone in the universe.
"From that ring you can form constructs. So if you got into a fight, you could form a giant fist. Or a fighter plane."
All the digital wizardry will be expensive - and although Warner Bros hoped to shoot in Sydney and take advantage of tax concessions, the budget was pushed to unacceptable levels by the strengthening Australian dollar.
This forced the studio to look for new locations, and it settled for New Orleans. Filming is to begin there in April.
Campbell said: "It's a very interesting city...with a damn good tax rate."
And he hopes the end result will be a type of superhero we haven't seen on screen before: "He's the only superhero to my knowledge who regularly goes to another planet. Superman and Batman were essentially locked into a particular city. The Lantern isn't so Earthbound."
"Green Lantern" is set for release in June, 2011.
More news to come! Catch ya' later!
Sources: The Geek Files, First Showing
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